Child Workers in Asia

About the Organization

Child Workers in Asia is a small support group that developed in 1985. This small support group began working with a few NGOs, but in the last fifteen years it has grown from working with 5 organizations to now over 50 different organizations and groups. These groups and organizations work together to try and reduce child labor as much as possible in 14 different countries.

Other Organizations Involved with CWA

CWA is partnered with many organizations and groups across the Asian continent but some of the first ones they partnered with in 1998 are:

What is Child Labor?

Child Labor is defined as a child who is under 18 years old, who is working in an environment that can harm them physically and mentally. This includes possibly delaying or hurting their physical and mental development. Child labor is also defined by a child missing school in order to work, or having an excessive amount of work before or after school, which could interfere with their studies or sleep, which will ultimately effect their health.

Categories of Child Labor

Focused interventions (through sub-regional and regional [Task Force]s)

Some countries that are involved with Child Workers in Asia are:
These countries have come along way and in 2016 they made major advancements to try and eliminate child labor; by adding regulations and different laws. This worked for some countries but more work needs to be done. Even for Sri Lanka and Maldives, who now have decreased their level of child labor drastically, still have some flaws in the system that need to be worked on, but it is a start.