Chen Li (emperor)

Chen Li was the second and the last emperor of the Dahan regime during the latter Yuan Dynasty of China. Chen Li ruled from 1363-64.

Chen Han

Chen Li was born in Mianyang as the second son of Chen Youliang, the first emperor of the Chen Han during the Yuan-Ming transition. His brother Chen Shan, was a crown prince who joined the Ming army.
In 1363, his father Chen Youliang was shot by an arrow in the Battle of Poyang Lake. His brother Chen Shan fled to the Ming. Later Zhang Dingbian and other top generals protected Chen Li and his descendants, escorting Chen to Wuchang, where Chen changed he succeeded the throne and changed his title to Yuan Deshou. In the winter of the same year, Zhu Yuanzhang personally visited Wuchang.
Chen Youliang's father, Chen Pucai, was named Cheng En Hou, his eldest brother, Chen Youfu, was named Guirenbo, and his second brother, Chen Youzhi, was named Huai Enbo. He posthumously presented his fourth brother, Chen Youren, as King of Kangshan, and ordered the relevant officials to set up a temple to offer sacrifices, and his fifth brother, Chen Yougui, was in charge of sacrifices.
In 1364, he surrendered to Zhu Yuanzhang of the rising Ming Dynasty. Zhu then appointed him as Marquis Gui-de. Chen was later sent to Korea, where he became known as King Chen. In Korea, Chen settled down and had children, starting the Yangsan Jin Clan.


Some of Chen Li's descendants after the Chen Han and Ming have the surname Cheng.

Yangsan Jin Clan

According to Korean and Chinese historical sources, in 1372, he migrated to Goryeo and had offspring, starting the Yangsan Jin clan. One of his known sons was Chen Mingshan.
On 1372 May 19, Chen Li and Ming Sheng arrived in Korea with a group of 27 people, who were received by the King of Korea. At that time, Chen Li was 22 years old.
After Chen Li arrived in Korea, he was called Chen Wang or King Chen. On the 6th day of June, King Gongcheng gave Chen Li nine bamboo cloths. Chen was also given some land, a wife, housemaid, and food. During this time he had children, including Chen Mingshan. Chen Li passed away due to illness but is survived by his descendants in Korea and the Yangsan Jin Clan.


太祖高皇帝討平蜀漢。僞主明玉珍之子昇。陳友諒之子理。皆流于我國。詔曰。不做官不做民。我國給茅舍臧獲。俾安接之。昇承玉珍之後稱帝。年九歲。見擒到我國。昇母曾爲皇太后者。每夜祝手向天曰。天乎天乎。使我播遷。專是蜀大臣之罪。大臣與大明相通。我兵專務拒東。而引兵從西南而入。故遂至於亡耳。太崇朝王妃冠服。自大明而來。宮中不知被荷之術。昇母入宮指敎。然後乃得知之。昇之孫有屬錄事者。庸劣莫甚。斯文正公時爲左相。謂錄事曰。子之祖父。爲大蜀皇帝。不幸而亡。假令其時不亡。至於子之身當亡矣。至今明氏苗裔。有居開城者。余嘗見明主之像。容皃端正。鬚髥如畫。爪指不翦而長。陳理無子。只有外孫。余嘗從外孫曹公。見所藏刺繡文錦。想其時豪猾之遺物也。— Trích Dung Trai tùng thoại

