Chandra Free

Chandra Free is an American illustrator and creator/writer of the comic book The God Machine, published by Archaia Entertainment. Her work in comics includes Mice Templar, Graphic Canon vol 3 and vol 4 , Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock volume 2 for Archaia Entertainment, Sullengrey and the illustrated novel, Conspiracy of the Planet of the Apes. She has done non-comics work as well: storyboards for 321 Launch, cinematic storyboards for the movie The Monkey King, and character designs for an animated pilot HG Chicken and the Chronological Order for Project Meatball.

Personal life

Chandra Free was born in Orlando, Florida. Today she lives in Brooklyn, New York. She is an avid fan of The Venture Bros., Mystery Science Theater 3000, classic video games, independent comics, and goth subculture. She is also a LGBTQAI+ ally.


Creator owned
