Chamber of Physicians and Dentists

The Chamber of Physicians and Dentists together with the regional chambers of physicians and dentists are the organizational bodies of the professional self-government of physicians and dental practitioners who are associated in the chambers with equal status. Chambers of physicians and dentists deal with all kinds of matters concerning the exercise of medicine and dentistry in Poland.
The organs of The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists are: General Assembly, Supreme Medical Council, The Supreme Screener for Professional Liability, The Supreme Medical Court, The Supreme Audit Committee.
The regional chamber of physicians and dentists registers as its members those physicians and dentists who hold a right to practice the profession and intend to practice as a physician or dentist within the jurisdiction of the given chamber.
The Medical Code of Ethics was passed at the 2nd General Medical Assembly in 1991. It was significantly amended at the 3rd General Medical Assembly in 1993 and at the 7th General Medical Assembly in 2003 in order to update the Code according to the current developments, e.g. new provisions on the relations between the physician and the medical industry were introduced.


The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists is active in the works of the following international organizations of doctors and dental practitioners: