Chakra Sonic

Viveck Ji Of, born April 8 1976, is a Malaysian hip hop artist. He is a Malaysian Indian.
Viveck Ji is currently owns a record label and music publishing company releasing their own recordings as well as those of other artists. He currently owns a record label and music publishing company releasing their own recordings as well as those of other artists. He has performed in the local TV, Astro and he has been interviewed by the Discovery Channel and BBC London. His songs was nominated for Anugerah Industri Musik for the title of "Ulek Mayang" and the song which was nominated yearly representing the Tamil Music Diaspora in Anugerah Era for the song "Sang Puteri".


He had given a perfect workshop about the course provides basic knowledge about music such as music history, music definition and understanding of octave. The name octave is also used to indicate the span between a note and another with double frequency. In music is the pitch and duration of a sound and also its representation in musical. The term note can be used in both generic and specific sense. There are formal systems to define each by the beams, key sense, tone and chromatic significance. The sharp sign raises a note by a semitone.
This course focuses on mastery over aspects of musical scale, keyboards, note values and stills, rhythms, timestamps and symbols or symbols used in music note writing. This course will ultimately enhance understanding of music in general to provide art services to the community. This course is controlled theoretically and practically.


This workshop was held at Unitar International University and DISS THA STUDIO aimed at giving early exposure on music and raising interest, indirectly choosing music as a career in developing specific skills, competencies, and points of view needed by professionals. Participants are selected from those who have basic skills about music and are keen to develop their talents which is suggested that an individual's musical identity on his/her to transmitting career specific skills and knowledge timelines in the development of talent. This two day workshop gives exposure on the fundamentals of music to 19 people who are believed to be able to develop the skills of the participants. The workshop involved 9 teachers, technicians and management.