Chah Varz Rural District

Chah Varz Rural District is a rural district in Chah Varz District, Lamerd County, Fars Province, Iran. The rural district has 4 villages.
statistics in 2011 : 4301 citizens and 6788 citizens of Chah Varz district population. Chah Varz is about 350 km distance from Shiraz and 486 meters above sea level and in the Zagros Mountains is located south of aria and its weather is tropic and malarian
Chah Varz rural district was created in 1993. justification designs of create sections of the chahvarz in the year 2004. in 2011 by Ruhollah Ahmadzadeh the Governor of Fars approved to the Ministry of the Interior in May 2011, the political Commission will send a defense to the Cabinet and the plan passed in 20 September 2012.
The name of chahvarz in Dehkhoda Dictionary is a village of the beyram Rural District and the job of Chah Varz citizens was agriculture and significant herd. but nowadays people's job is more commercial and services work. The commercial position of this sector and the existence of lamerd County communication paths to the center in Fars Province and larestan is the importance of this point.
In the mid-4th century Affifuddin Shah Zendo attack to Chah Varz and after the defeat of the old residents of the Sassanian this area was completely deserted this region until "Ali Mohub"
"chahvarz Twin" Palm in the book of folklore and customs of lamerd customs decodes the target tourism works in the city of lamerd.


Chah Varz name is different in historical book: like "Chah Vard", "Chah Bord".
Ali-Akbar Dehkhoda wrrited chah varz name in Dehkhoda Dictionary "chah varzd" this name Include Chah and Vard; Chah mining in English "Water well" and "Vard" mining Flower So Chah Varz mining Well of Flower.
old Arabic author wrote Chah Varz name to Chah Bord and Chah Bord mining to English Well of Rock.
old Chah Varzian People say the name of Chah Varz was Chah Varzā this name mining to English "Well of Ox" old people say to reason of this etymology: was in Chah Varz Ox and people by this ox taking water out of well.


Before Islam Gabrs lived in Chah Varz village and their religion was Zoroastrianism.