Certified Payment-Card Industry Security Manager

Certified Payment-Card Industry Security Manager is an independent payments industry certification governed by the Society of Payment Security Professionals. The CPISM is the de facto certification for payment security professionals. This certification is held by members from diverse backgrounds including Level 1 - 4 Merchants, Acquirers, Issuers, QSAs, Processors, Gateways, Service Providers, and Consultants. All CPISM holders are members of the SPSP.

'Society of Payment Security Professionals' Website Defunct.

The sites for www.paymentsecuritypros.com as well as the associated www.pcianswers.com are defunct.

Certification Knowledge Domains

The CPISM curriculum covers subject matter in a variety of Information Security and Payments Industry topics. The CPISM examination is based on what a collection of topics relevant to payment industry security professionals. The CPISM Knowledge Domains establishes a common framework of payment industry terms and definitions that allow security professionals to discuss and debate matters pertaining to the profession with a common understanding.
The CPISM Knowledge Domains are:
Candidates for the CPISM must meet several requirements: