Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica is a consortium, with its own legal status, integrated by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and the Catalan Government. It is a research institute associated with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The CRM is in essence a horizontal infrastructure that gives support to mathematical research groups and encourages the pursuit of emerging lines of research. The centre's activities are divided into two very different categories. The first category places the centre as organiser of international competitions and as a centre for long-term visiting researchers working in collaboration with the research community of Catalonia. Secondly, since 2008 CRM includes its own research groups, which allows it to open lines of research in different applied areas.
The current director of the CRM is Lluís Alsedà. The CRM is a member of ERCOM. Through its postdoctoral
programme, the institute is also part of EPDI.
The CRM has the following goals: