Centre de Coordination de la Lutte Anti-drogue en Méditerranée

The Centre de Coordination de la Lutte Anti-drogue en Méditerranée or Mediterranean area anti-drug enforcement coordination centre is an international anti drug trafficking agency based in Toulon set up in 2008 to coordinate anti-drug trafficking operations and intelligence in the Mediterranean. It is closely modeled on the MAOC-N based in Lisbon.


Set up on 1 December 2008, and headquartered in the French Navy base at Toulon it hosts liaison officers from six Mediterranean countries:
In addition four other countries have made public their intention to participate as observers:
The Centre aims to combat maritime and air drug trafficking activities through better intelligence coordination. The main tasks of the centre are:
Since its inception the centre has coordinated the surveillance of 23 ships and seizures of 3 tonnes of Cannibis from ships involved in trafficking.