Central Newfoundland Hockey League

The Central Newfoundland Hockey League or Central Newfoundland Intermediate Hockey League is a senior amateur league in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.


In 2009 three teams, the Gander Rec Flyers, Lewisporte Seahawks, and the Twillingate Combines, formed the Central Newfoundland Intermediate Hockey League. The Wesleyville Beothics joined the league for the 2010-11 season.


Grand Falls-Windsor BladesGrand Falls-Windsor, NLJoe Byrne Memorial Stadium
Lewisporte SeahawksLewisporte, NLLewisporte Stadium
Northeast WildcatsTriton, NLGreen Bay South Arena
Straight Shore BeothicsNew-Wes-Valley, NLBeothic Arena
Twillingate CombinesTwillingate, NLGeorge Hawkins Arena

Past teams