Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society

The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute is a research institute operated by the University of California to facilitate the real-world application of technological research. Approved in 2000, it is part of the Governor Gray Davis Institutes for Science and Innovation, along with the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, and the California Nanosystems Institute. Headquartered at UC Berkeley, CITRIS was founded in 2001 from a desire to see innovative technologies put to practical use in improving quality of life for people.
In the organization's own words, "CITRIS was created to 'shorten the pipeline' between world-class laboratory research and the creation of start-ups, larger companies, and whole industries," a mission it seeks to achieve through partnering academicians at UC Santa Cruz, UC Merced, UC Davis, and UC Berkeley with industrial researchers. CITRIS's many cross-campus collaborations include work with the UC Davis School of Medicine, the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, the UC Merced Water Research Program, and the Berkeley Center for New Media in conjunction with Santa Cruz. CITRIS also addresses state and national level issues through funded research programs and active collaboration with the California Energy Commission, the California Telehealth Network, and many others.
for the Floating Sensor Network project
One notable project, the Floating Sensor Network project, collected in 2012 data to help researchers and scientists better understand how water flows from the Sacramento-San Joaqiun River Delta to pumping stations and the San Francisco Bay. It is a collaborative effort between CITRIS and UC berkeley's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Electrical Engineering.

Vision 2025

As powerful new technologies – machine learning and artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, drones and UAVs, augmented reality and virtual reality, genetic editing, and, powering it all, quantum leaps of data science – shape the future needs of people and questions of ethics, a technological paradigm shift must occur. To lead us through this new landscape, CITRIS launches Vision 2025. CITRIS will expand to include additional research thrusts in core technology and Technology and society; world-class labs, testbeds, and research opportunities; multicampus participation; under/graduate student discovery; and tech outreach.

Research Thrusts

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute has expanded its research thrusts to address a new era of vast technological change. Its research thrusts are grouped into the subcategories of Core Technology and Technology and Society.
CITRIS provides a plethora of spaces for students, faculties, and innovators to create and research cutting-edge technologies.