Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform is an American anti-abortion organization. The Executive Director of the CBR is Gregg Cunningham, a former Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives who has also held a number of other government positions. He was a member of the Reagan administration.


CBR projects include the Reproductive "Choice" Campaign, the Genocide Awareness Project, Matthew 28:20, and the AbortionNO web site.
The CBR has compared Nazi genocide and lynching victims to aborted fetuses, in the context of its Genocide Awareness Project.
English News reports describe a group called Abort67, "whose parent organisation is the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, which is run by an ex-Republican politician who has come over to train their activists".
In 2019 the UK affiliate of CBR targeted pregnant Labour MP and women's rights campaigner Stella Creasy by advertising on billboards and leafleting in her constituency. The advertising agency responsible for the billboards apologised, commenting "we accept that the content should have been scrutinised in greater detail and should not have been displayed" and removed the posters

Graphic images

The CBR advocates displaying graphic pictures of aborted fetuses, as well as the dead bodies of Holocaust and lynching victims. The use of shocking abortion photos has resulted in the CBR being a relatively controversial organization. During their protest at Liberty University and The College of William and Mary, the group was met with condemnations by even the campus pro-life organizations, who view the group's tactics and messages to be neither helpful nor appropriate.


6.76%, or $66,440, of the group's expenses goes to compensating Gregg Cunningham, who is listed as the secretary.