Casson invariant

In 3-dimensional topology, a part of the mathematical field of geometric topology, the Casson invariant is an integer-valued invariant of oriented integral homology 3-spheres, introduced by Andrew Casson.
Kevin Walker found an extension to rational homology 3-spheres, called the Casson–Walker invariant, and Christine Lescop extended the invariant to all closed oriented 3-manifolds.


A Casson invariant is a surjective map
λ from oriented integral homology 3-spheres to Z satisfying the following properties:
The Casson invariant is unique up to an overall multiplicative constant.


Informally speaking, the Casson invariant counts half the number of conjugacy classes of representations of the fundamental group of a homology 3-sphere M into the group SU. This can be made precise as follows.
The representation space of a compact oriented 3-manifold M is defined as where denotes the space of irreducible SU representations of. For a Heegaard splitting of , the Casson invariant equals times the algebraic intersection of with.


Rational homology 3-spheres

Kevin Walker found an extension of the Casson invariant to rational homology 3-spheres. A Casson-Walker invariant is a surjective map λCW from oriented rational homology 3-spheres to Q satisfying the following properties:
1. λ = 0.
2. For every 1-component Dehn surgery presentation of an oriented rational homology sphere M′ in an oriented rational homology sphere M:
Note that for integer homology spheres, the Walker's normalization is twice that of Casson's:.

Compact oriented 3-manifolds

Christine Lescop defined an extension λCWL of the Casson-Walker invariant to oriented compact 3-manifolds. It is uniquely characterized by the following properties:
The Casson–Walker–Lescop invariant has the following properties:
In 1990, C. Taubes showed that the SU Casson invariant of a 3-homology sphere M has a gauge theoretic interpretation as the Euler characteristic of, where is the space of SU connections on M and is the group of gauge transformations. He regarded the Chern–Simons invariant as a -valued Morse function on and used invariance under perturbations to define an invariant which he equated with the SU Casson invariant.

H. Boden and C. Herald used a similar approach to define an SU Casson invariant for integral homology 3-spheres.