Carlos Anwandter

Carlos Anwandter was a German political exile who emigrated to Valdivia, Chile in 1850 after participating in the Revolutions of 1848.


He migrated to Valdivia in 1850, the leader of the first contingent of German colonists sent by Philippi. In 1851 founded the Anwandter brewery in Isla Teja. Among other things in Valdivia founded the first volunteer fire company "Germania", the German Club and the German School which now bears his name, being its first Director.

Famous quotes

As representative of the German immigrants to Chile he swore:
"We will also be such honest and workful Chileans, as only their strongest would be. Lined in the rows of our new fellow countrymen, we will serve our adoptive fatherland against any foreign threat with the same determination and energy as of the same man who defends his fatherland, his family and his interests."


, Valdivia's German School, is named after him.