Carla Rhodes

Carla Rhodes is an American ventriloquist, comedian and musician who was mentored by Shari Lewis as a teenager. She lives in New York City. She adds a new twist to the old art of ventriloquism. Rhodes' main squeeze is a cantankerous 1920s gentleman named Cecil Sinclaire.


Rhodes taught herself ventriloquism at the age of 9 after seeing Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop on television. She began performing professionally at the age of 13 in a local magic shop. By the age of 15, she was performing regularly at the local comedy club.
In 2009, New York Magazine named Rhodes as one of the "Ten New Comedians That Funny People Find Funny."


While attending college in Tennessee, Rhodes recorded a full-length comedy music album in Nashville. "I Love Animals," a track from Carla's Golden Hits, vol 6, was played on the Dr. Demento's "Top Funny Five," eventually placing at number two.
