Canton of Rioz

The canton of Rioz is an administrative division of the Haute-Saône department, northeastern France. Its borders were modified at the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015. Its seat is in Rioz.
It consists of the following communes:
  1. Aulx-lès-Cromary
  2. Authoison
  3. La Barre
  4. Beaumotte-Aubertans
  5. Besnans
  6. Bouhans-lès-Montbozon
  7. Boulot
  8. Boult
  9. Bussières
  10. Buthiers
  11. Cenans
  12. Chambornay-lès-Bellevaux
  13. Chassey-lès-Montbozon
  14. Chaux-la-Lotière
  15. Cirey
  16. Cognières
  17. Cordonnet
  18. Cromary
  19. Dampierre-sur-Linotte
  20. Échenoz-le-Sec
  21. Filain
  22. Fondremand
  23. Fontenois-lès-Montbozon
  24. Hyet
  25. Larians-et-Munans
  26. Loulans-Verchamp
  27. Le Magnoray
  28. Maizières
  29. La Malachère
  30. Maussans
  31. Montarlot-lès-Rioz
  32. Montbozon
  33. Neuvelle-lès-Cromary
  34. Ormenans
  35. Pennesières
  36. Perrouse
  37. Quenoche
  38. Recologne-lès-Rioz
  39. Rioz
  40. Roche-sur-Linotte-et-Sorans-les-Cordiers
  41. Ruhans
  42. Sorans-lès-Breurey
  43. Thieffrans
  44. Thiénans
  45. Traitiéfontaine
  46. Trésilley
  47. Vandelans
  48. Vellefaux
  49. Villers-Bouton
  50. Villers-Pater
  51. Voray-sur-l'Ognon
  52. Vy-lès-Filain