Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

', officially the ', is a of the Philippines| in the province of,. According to the, it has a population of people.
Cantilan is considered the "Cradle of Towns" in Surigao del Sur. It originally encompassed the whole area of Carcanmadcarlan or the present towns of Carrascal, Cantilan, Madrid, Carmen and Lanuza.


Cantilan is the second northernmost municipality of CarCanMadCarLan and so also the second northernmost municipality of the province. The neighbouring municipalities are Carrascal in the north-west and Madrid in the south-east.


Cantilan is politically subdivided into 17 barangays. Buntalid and Magasang were constituted as barrios in 1956.


Cantilan, like the whole island of Mindanao is considered having a tropical climate, with an average monthly precipitation of 308.66 mm. However, its wettest season fall between the months of November until March. Dry season starts between April to September with brief afternoon showers and thunderstorms locally called sobasco.


Cantilan existed as a settlement for more than three centuries as early as 1622.
According to legend, the word Cantilan originated from the big shell of a bivalve locally called, "Tilang". A couple with beautiful daughters lived close to the location of the big shell. When suitors came to visit the daughters and were asked their destination, they would answer, “Can Tilang”. Eventually, "Can Tilang" became "Cantilan".
According to sources, it was created by virtue of the Spanish Royal Decree of 1768 known as Maura Law. Another source states however, that Fr. Valerio de San Agustin implemented it in 1782 at "Daan Lungsod," the old town in the coastal area. It was populated with people from Bayuyo, Ilihan and Calagdan. They constructed a fortification, a "Kuta", made of limestone later named as Baluarte de Señor San Miguel, located across the river in the modern Cantilan.
Caraga is obviously named after the old, historic Caraga, an extensive landmass covering several provinces, in the northeastern seaboard of Mindanao whose existence outdated the arrival of the Spaniards in this country.
The people of the old Calagan were originally from Ilihan, Calagan, Parasao and Bayuyo.
1521 – For the first time, Antonio Pigafetta, the chronicler of Magellan's epic voyage around the world, called this region Calagam or Calagan.
Calagan was among the three choices for Ferdinand Magellan to dock for provisions and trade. "Magellan was anxious to resume his voyage and inquired which were the best ports for provisions and trade, wishing to turn of his many articles of barter into gold and spices. He was told that there were three – Ceylon, Zzubu and Calagan, but that Zzubu was the largest and had the most traffic."
March 31, 1521 – The celebrated "
Primera Misa", an Easter Sunday Mass, was held in the Philippine Territory on the order of Ferdinand Magellan. Two of its prominent attendees were the Butuan brother kings: Rajah Kolambu of Butuan and Rajah Siagu of Calagan.
January 25, 1571 – Garcia Sierras Chacon was appointed to rule the district of Surigao and Parasao, an encomienda.
  • 1574 – Andres Mirandaola wrote to King Felipe II of Spain that "much gold is found in the island of Mindanao, in the district of Butuan, Curigao and Parasao. Much gold is mined there."
  • 1609 – The conquistadores arrived in Tandag and constructed a stone fort to strengthen their conquest of the locals. This caused
the Northeastern portion of Mindanao to be raised to the status of a province. This "distrito" was called "Provincia de Caraga" with Tandag as the capital.
Cantilan has existed as a settlement for more than three centuries on the two barrios of Bayoyo and Kalagda-an which was then included in the Spanish administration of Tandag as early as 1709. The settlement of Ilihan was also part of the Cantilan area that time.
Prior to the Spanish regime, inhabitants of Cantilan were Bagani Bankayan Sandigan people, who descended from Malay immigrants. At times the early settlers were forced to join and fight marauding bands who came for slaves and plundered. In the process, they built stone walls and a watchtower as can be shown on some ruins of these structures which still exist on the sea coast.
The Spanish arrived and established a settlement at
"Daan Lungsod"'' in the early 1700s and. The Spanish introduced Christianity and a governmental administration headed by a priest.
Compulsory taxation was later featured from Spanish rule. Other legacies of the Spanish time were the Spanish name given to the local inhabitants and the Spanish words which were added to the local language. The Jesuit fathers constructed a church in Cantilan in the 1890s – part of the walls still stands near the new church constructed in 1959.
During the Spanish time, local people were frequently attacked by Muslims and so a fort was built at Daan Lungsod which aided in repelling five attacks, ending once and for all these raids. Other problems were diseases were on the rise added with disasters like a typhoon.
In 1856, Daan Lungsod was destroyed by a disastrous typhoon on the night of October 14. Beginning at midnight and continuing through the entire next day. A typhoon and series of storm surges rolled over the town sweeping away all but one house and killing 30 people as well as destroying crops and livestock. The ruins of Daan Lungsod can still be seen on the other side of Cantilan River, but after the storm, it was decided to rebuild the town on its present site.
Before the storm, residents often crossed the river to buy fish from a woman named Tilang. When asked where they were going, they replied, "Adto Kan Tilang"; and the place gradually became known as Kantilang. After the storm, the new town was built in this area, across the river and was named Kantilang or Cantilan.
Throughout the period, Cantilan remained primarily a fishing and agricultural settlement, as it is today. The area was larger at that time because it comprised the present municipalities of Cantilan, Carrascal, Madrid, Carmen and Lanuza
The first Americans set foot in Surigao in 1904 and were met some active resistance. But fighting died out after a relatively short time. The main American contribution to Filipino life was the restructuring of governmental administration and the public schools..
During World War II, Cantilangnons were very active as guerillas fighting against the Japanese, who established a garrison in Cantilan from June 1942 to 1944.
The Japanese were headquartered in the present day Municipal Hall and formations were often held at the plaza. The people were afraid and forced to flee to the mountains or to the outlying island to avoid the Japanese. In some barrios, like Barangay General Island, the population increased on account of the mass evacuation. Peacetime at last came when the Japanese finally withdraw their troops from Cantilan because of the invasion of the Americans in Leyte.
Years rolled along after full Independence was granted to the Philippines in 1946. Cantilan became part of the new province of Surigao del Sur in 1960. It had also taken and fixed its present boundaries at that time, with the creation of Madrid as a new municipality.
Cantilan remains primarily a rural, agricultural and fishing municipality, but its residents are well known for their high standing standard of education obtained by a large number of professionals who hail from Cantilan.
In more recent times, the logging and timber industry has had an impact in Cantilan, both logging and veneer manufacturing plant operating in this town. It has also a potential for mining, although no large-scale operations have as yet been undertaken.


The inhabitants of Cantilan are called Cantilangnons. Its unique dialect is called Cantelangnon, a variant of the Surigaonon language.


The main part is agriculture, animal breeding and coastal fishing.


Points of interest:
;Town proper
Pedicabs roam around the streets of Cantilan.
;By Land
Buses, Vans and Jeepneys ply from Cantilan to Tandag and Surigao City v.v. on the coast-road of Surigao-Tandag. Roads are semi-concrete.
;By Sea
Inter-island vessels like 2Go ply the Manila-Surigao City routes on regular schedules. Cokaliong also has schedules from Cebu-Surigao City routes on a daily basis. The harbour in the Cantilan river can be used by Pump boats only. On the east side of the Capungan peninsula that separates the Lanuza bay from Carrascal bay exists "Consuelo Port" which is a harbour for bigger ships.
;By Air
The closest airports are Surigao Airport and Butuan Airport. The Tandag Airfield has limited flights from Manila and Cebu City which started on June 30, 2014.

Sirong Festival

The Sirong Festival is a mardi-gras parade participated by different contingents from other towns. A cash price and a trophy awaits to the winner of the street dancing competition and the final showdown.


Cantilan has both public and private schools from elementary, secondary and tertiary.