Canon de 47 mm modèle 1902

The Canon de 47 mm modèle 1902 was a light naval gun used as the anti-torpedo armament for a number of battleships and cruisers of the French Navy. It was used as the main shipboard anti-aircraft gun during World War I.


Built by Hotchkiss, the gun was designed to replace the Canon de 47 mm/40 modèle 1885 in new battleships and cruisers as their anti-torpedo armament, having a larger muzzle velocity than its predecessor.

Naval use

The Liberté-class and Danton-class battleships mounted the gun, in addition to the cruisers Jules Michelet, Ernest Renan, and those of the Edgar Quinet-class. It was used as the standard French shipboard anti-aircraft gun during World War I, being replaced by the Canon de 75 mm modèle 1908.
