Canadian Journalism Project

The Canadian Journalism Project and its websites, and, are published by a venture among post-secondary journalism schools and programs across Canada. The CJP is led by Ryerson University, Université Laval and Carleton University and supported by a group of donors.
Launched in the spring of 2007 with the support of The Canadian Journalism Foundation, the site provides a source for news, research, commentary, advice, discussion, and resources for industry professionals, scholars, and students.


The CJP is governed by two committees: an Editorial Committee and a Management Committee. Specific duties and responsibilities may be delegated to sub-committees as necessary.

Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee has full responsibility for editorial content. Specifically, the committee's content responsibilities include:
Current Members
Bruce Gillespie, Wilfrid Laurier University—Editor-in-Chief, J-Source
Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor, J-Source
Paul Benedetti—Editor-at-large
Nicole Cohen, University of Toronto Mississauga—Editor, Work and Labour
Canadian Association of Journalists—Editor, Ask a Mentor
Melanie Coulson, Carleton University—Editor, Education
David McKie, CBC—Editor, Ideas
Thomas Rose, Wilfrid Laurier University—Editor, Law
David Secko and Lisa Lynch, Concordia University—Editors, Findings/Researching Journalism
Romayne Smith Fullerton, Western University—Editor, Ethics
David Spencer, University of Western Ontario—Editor, Book Reviews
Mark Taylor, University of Regina—Editor, Photojournalism
Robert Washburn, Loyalist College—Editor, Innovation
Brennan Reid, Wilfrid Laurier University—Editor, Student Lounge

French Masthead

The French Masthead manages content on the French site.
Current Members
Hélène Roulot-Ganzmann—Editor-in-Chief, ProjetJ
Colette Brin, Université Laval—Formation
Chantal Francoeur, UQAM—Lectures
Marc-François Bernier, Université d'Ottawa—Éthique et déontologie
Pierre Duchesne, Radio-Canada
Annie Labrecque, Les Débrouillards
Michel Munger, Canal Argent
Arnaud Carbasse, UQAM-GRICIS

Management Committee

The management committee of J-Source was suspended when the Canadian Journalism Foundation ended its responsibility for J-Source, which is now a cooperative of various journalism schools and organizations. The publisher of J-Source calls together contributing members of the cooperative to determine policy and make financial decisions.
The original terms of the Management Committee were: