Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Liuwandashan

Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Liuwandashan was a counter-guerrilla / counterinsurgency campaign the communists fought against the nationalist guerrilla that was mostly consisted of bandits and nationalist regular troops left behind after the nationalist regime withdrew from mainland China. The campaign was fought during the Chinese Civil War in the post-World War II era in the region of Liuwandashan in Guangxi and resulted in communist victory. This campaign is part of Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Guangxi, which in turn, was part of Campaign to Suppress Bandits in Central and Southern China.


In June 1950, three regiments of the communist 45th Army and the Independent 24th Regiment of Canton Southern Front Military Sub-district jointly launched an operation against the local nationalist guerrilla in the southern end of the Liuwandashan, succeeding in killing over 1,400 of nationalists. The remnant of the nationalist guerrilla retreated into the heart of the mountain and their number totaled more than 15,000.

Order of battle

On December 20, 1950, communist forces consisted of the 460th Regiment and the Independent Regiment of the communist Yulin Military Sub-district and the 135th Division began their eradication campaign against the nationalist guerrilla mostly consisted of bandits. The Independent Regiment of the communist Yulin Military Sub-district attacked from the north, and 460th Regiment of the communist Yulin Military Sub-district and the 403rd Regiment of the communist 135th Division attacked from south, and the 404th Regiment of the communist 135th Division advanced toward the regions of Fengshan,, Ningtan,, Yingqiao, Minzhi,, Wangke, and Liushui. The rest of communist 135th Division advanced toward the heart of the mountain. After killing over 300 enemy troops, the organized nationalist resistance collapsed, and the remaining battles became part of eradication operations. By the next February, the communist victory was complete.


By February 1951, the campaign concluded with communist victory, with nationalist commanders Yang Fengchi, Da Ou, and Zeng Zhongrou either killed or captured, and the 15,000 strong nationalist guerrilla force in Liuwandashan completely annihilated. In addition, the communists also captured 14 artillery pieced, 86 machine guns, and over 16,000 firearms.