Cambuslang West (ward)

Cambuslang West is one of the twenty wards used to elect members of the South Lanarkshire Council. Created in 2007, it elects three Councillors.
The ward's territory includes the town centre of Cambuslang and neighbourhoods to its south and west including Eastfield, Greenlees, Kirkhill, Silverbank and Whitlawburn. The population in 2018 was 14,307.
The ward was formed from roughly the boundaries of three wards under the previous single-member system used from the creation of South Lanarkshire local authority in 1995 until 2007: Cambuslang Central, Eastfield and Kirkhill/Whitlawburn. Prior to this, the town was within the Glasgow District under Strathclyde Regional Council - one of its wards from 1984 was named Cambuslang, and this included much the same area as the current Cambuslang West.


Election Results

2017 Election

2012 Election

2007 Election