Cambaro, Mandaue

Cambaro, Mandaue City is one of the barangays of Mandaue in the Philippines. It was established in 1990. Before it was organized as barangay it was first sitio in Looc and in 1967, was considered separate from Barangay Looc, but in law and some aspects, it was still under the former's jurisdiction, during which, it totally became a separate barangay via a law in 1990.
The name of the area comes from a folklore that when people in the olden times in the area need something for a fiesta or after a tragedy or typhoon, they would go to the outskirts and speak to the supernatural deities, to ask for help and borrow any assistance and would usually be granted. The supposed proposals for the name of the area when it became a separate barangay includes "adtolam", which was a combination of the words "adto" which means "go" and "hulam" which means "borrow", and "Fatima", but the area eventually became known as CAMBARO, derived from the English words "come" and "borrow" which was fused and spelled in the vernacular way. The barangay was founded in 1990.