COPA-COGECA, is the union of the two big agricultural umbrella organisations COPA and COGECA and the strongest interest group for European farmers. Founded in 1962 and headquartered in Brussels, its activity focus is on the Common Agricultural Policy and other policy areas relevant to farmers and agri-cooperatives, such as: food safety, animal health and welfare, plant health, environment, research and innovation, trade etc..
Current President of COPA is DBV president Joachim Rukwied from Germany,the current president of COGECA is Thomas Magnusson of the LRF, secretary general is Pekka Pesonen from Finland.


On 6 September 1958, the first European representative organisation, COPA, was created.
On 24 September 1959, the agricultural cooperatives of the European Community created the European umbrella organisation, COGECA.
COPA’s Secretariat was established in Brussels on 1 April 1959, merging with that of COGECA on 1 December 1962.
The COPA-COGECA opposed the European Union–Mercosur Free Trade Agreement. The COPA-COGECA said the impact of the free trade deal would be "devastating on the European farming family model".