CJ the DJ

CJ the DJ is an Australian animated TV series created first broadcast on ABC3. The show was created by Mark Gravas of Yakkity Yak fame and writer Stu Connolly.
Fifty-two episodes were produced for the first season. Two episodes are often broadcast together, creating an impression that there are only twenty-six episodes in the first season.


CJ The DJ follows the adventures of a 13-year-old girl with the nickname of CJ, with Lesley and Si they form a group of DJ wannabes and together try to make it to the big leagues by playing gigs, promoting themselves and practicing. However the town she lives in, no one wants to hear about her.


Cathleen Jones aka CJ is a 13-year-old girl who aspires to be a DJ. She loves not being like everyone else and has a unique view on the world.
Lesley Smiles is one of CJ's friends, she is the complete opposite to CJ but they are friends because they are both individuals.
Si is CJ's best friend and neighbor, he is a born musician and has a passion for classical music. His background is New Zealander.
Arnis owns a record store called "A-Trax", He gives CJ her gigs and sees potential in her.
Lyle hangs out at Arnis' store every day after school he also works there for free. He seems to secretly have feelings for CJ although teases and bullies her, much like Helga does to Arnold in 'Hey Arnold'.
The Patel Twins want to be DJs only for the fame, they usually work at their dad's convenience store, They are jealous of CJ and steal her gigs, songs and even her name and cause numerous problems for herself and her friends.
Charley Jones is CJ's little sister, she is ten, however wants to be sixteen, she loves to shop and usually pokes fun at CJ's fashion sense.
Gene Jones is CJ's father. He has a band that has limited appeal to most people. He lives like he is a young person.
Marsha Jones is CJ's mother. She's the no-nonsense voice of authority in the household, and the primary source of income for the family, usually appearing in her business suit. However, in her youth she was the lead guitarist and vocalist for an all-girl punk band.
Snowball is CJ's pet automatic robot cat. He looks similar to a black-and-white tabby cat. After he puts on Inspector Gadget's hat, he goes to an underground headquarters named The Wiggles Touring Pty. Then, he goes to Policeman Evil Pty. He has triangular arms and legs in the first 3 episodes, but then it becomes more oval. Snowball seems to get like being Inspector Gadget as the episodes get along. He was first voiced by Rosie Campbell and then Sam Moran.
Mr. David is Snowball's boss. He is a middle aged man with white hair and a beard. He always wears a blue jumpsuit with the orange words "MD" on it. He was voiced by Muarry Cook.
Dr. Hands is Snowball's father, and founder of Policeman Evil Pty. His eyes seems like he always have no eyes. He wears a black police hat. He has purple gloves that are rubber. He wears Greg Wiggle's skivvy. He was voiced by Jeff Fatt.



DVD releases

On 1 July 2010, the Australian Broadcasting Company released the first DVD of CJ The DJ, featuring the first eight episodes.
TitleRelease dateEpisodes
CJ The DJ: Mixin' It Up!1 July 20101.The Set Up Gig 2.Ring Ring 3.What's In A Name? 4.Droppin' Science 5.The Axe Factor 6.Original Popcorn 7.Licked In The Mix 8.Garage Clip

Digital downloads

CJ the DJ Series 1 Volumes 1 and 2 are available for download at the ABC Online Store.

ABC iView

CJ the DJ was released on ABC iView for public viewing, though each episode was only available for viewing over a limited amount of time.

International broadcast

Israel: Arutz HaYeladim
Portugal: RTP2