CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield

The University of Sheffield is a leading research university located in Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England. CITY College is the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield and is located in Thessaloniki, Greece.


CITY College is the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, the only faculty located overseas. Bridging the UK with South East and Eastern Europe, CITY College offers to students the unique opportunity to pursue top class British education in their region and be awarded a University of Sheffield degree.
The International Faculty, CITY College is an integral part of the British University with its main campus in Thessaloniki, Greece, while several of its programmes also run in Bucharest, Belgrade, Kyiv, Sofia, Yerevan, Tbilisi and Baku. Therefore, it is an international English speaking institution with students coming from various language and ethnic backgrounds.


Today CITY College consists of 4 academic departments:
CITY College offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Thessaloniki, leading to the award of a degree by the University of Sheffield:

Undergraduate studies

Except for the programmes delivered in Thessaloniki, Greece, CITY College offers a series of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in other countries of the South East and Eastern Europe giving the opportunity to students to study in their own country and pursue a University of Sheffield degree.

Belgrade, Serbia

The commitment of CITY College to quality education is demonstrated by the rigorous procedures that have been established to monitor the quality of its
academic programmes, including a number of external audits and accreditation visits by independent organisations.