César González (poet)

César González, also known by his pseudonym Camilo Blajaquis, is an Argentinian poet and cinematographer. Often referred to as "el poeta villero", his popularity has grown since he published his first book, La Venganza del Cordero Atado, in 2010, soon after completing imprisonment in a youth detention center for the fourth time. The publication of La Venganza del Cordero Atado included illustrations from, Argentinean plastic artist who became interested in his work and who also worked on the album art of renowned artists such as Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota, Charly Garcia and Frank Zappa.
The peculiarity of him pursuing a career amongst the arts despite his social origins and his past in prison, phenomenon he refers to as "the exception that confirms the rule", has since drawn the attention of a section of cultural journalism and literary criticism in Argentina.
Because of his own experience and him being an avid reader of philosophers, sociologists and anthropologists including Gilles Deleuze, Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault, his work often appoints the issues of social stigmatization towards the villas or ghettos both in Argentina and the rest of the world, and the violence of the jail system.
Besides his published books and his movies, he is involved in many projects that attempt to link and visibilize the artistic movements from several villas, including writing for magazines and music video productions for rappers like "El As" Fili Wey and Alan Garvey.