Burning Sands (1922 film)
Burning Sands is a 1922 American drama silent film directed by George Melford and written by Olga Printzlau and Waldemar Young based upon the novel of the same name by Arthur Weigall. The film stars Wanda Hawley, Milton Sills, Louise Dresser, Jacqueline Logan, Robert Cain, Fenwick Oliver, and Winter Hall. The film was released on September 3, 1922, by Paramount Pictures. It is not known whether the film currently survives, which suggests that it is a lost film.Plot
- Wanda Hawley as Muriel Blair
- Milton Sills as Daniel Lane
- Louise Dresser as Kate Bindane
- Jacqueline Logan as Lizette
- Robert Cain as Robert Barthampton
- Fenwick Oliver as Mr. Bindane
- Winter Hall as Governor
- Harris Gordon as Secretary
- Alan Roscoe as Ibrihim
- Cecil Holland as Old Sheik
- Joe Ray as Hussein