Bundesautobahn 33

is an autobahn in Germany which connects the Bundesautobahn 30 in the north and the A 44 in the south.


The history of the A 33 began in the 1960s as the B 68. It was intended that the route would be extended northwards to reach Bramsche, and to this day, the B 68 has been partially extended between Osnabrück and Bramsche in a similar fashion to an Autobahn.
One major gap currently exist in the A 33. Plans to close the 9 km long gap between the A 33 and the A 1 around Osnabrück are underway, the selected route having been submitted by the planning authority of Lower Saxony to the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development for approval. Also a larger gap existed between the exit for Borgholzhausen and Bielefeld. This gap has been closed as the last section between Borgholzhausen and Halle has been completed in November 2019.


The A 33 begins to the east of Osnabrück in Belm, crossing over the A 30 to Osnabrück Süd, running through Georgsmarienhütte, Hilter am Teutoburger Wald, Bad Rothenfelde and Dissen am Teutoburger Wald, Borgholzhausen, Halle, running through Bielefeld, Sennestadt, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock, Paderborn and Borchen before terminating at the Bad Wünnenberg interchange, which joins the A 44 running between Dortmund and Kassel as well as the B 480, which leads on through Brilon in the Sauerland region.

Route names

The three different stretches of road are named according to the region in which they are located. The Osnabrück-Bielefeld route is known as the Teutoburger-Wald-Autobahn, the route between Bielefeld and Paderborn, which feeds into the A 2, is known as the Senneautobahn, and the remainder leading through East Westphalia is known as the Ostwestfalenmagistrale.

Notable features

Between junctions Dissen and Dissen Süd, a tunnel has been built of around 700 m length to protect the surrounding area, especially the health resort Bad Rothenfelde from the noise.

Exit list