Broken Hill Solar Plant

The Broken Hill Solar Plant, which became operational in December 2015, is a 53 megawatt farm located near Broken Hill in western New South Wales, Australia. It is associated with the Nyngan Solar Plant, making the total capacity of the combined plants 155 megawatts.
The Broken Hill solar plant, like other generation near the edge of the grid, has suffered from changes in loss factor calculations, with a decrease of 22.7% from a 2017-18 financial year Marginal Loss Factor of 1.2841 to 1.0603, which has affected revenue. On 12 September 2019, the output of the farm was reduced by 50%.

Powering Australian Renewables Fund

Ownership of the Nyngan and Broken Hill solar plants was transferred from AGL Energy to Powering Australian Renewables Fund, an infrastructure fund closely associated with but independent to AGL.
Initial investment in PARF was $200M from AGL, and up to $800M from both QIC Global Infrastructure Fund and the Australian sovereign wealth fund, the Future Fund.