Briton Ferry East

Briton Ferry East is an electoral ward of Neath Port Talbot county borough, Wales. Briton Ferry West falls within the parish of Briton Ferry and the parliamentary constituency of Aberavon.
Briton Ferry East is bounded by the wards of Briton Ferry West to the west; Neath East and Cimla to the north; Pelenna to the east; Bryn and Cwmavon to the southeast; and Baglan to the south. Most of Briton Ferry East consists of open grassland and woodland with a residential and commercial strip to the far west of the ward.

County council elections

In the 2008 local council elections, the electorate turnout was 34.75%. The results were:
Colin MorganLabour558Labour hold
Anthony VallarioConservative266

2012 Local Council Elections
Only one nomination was received for the 2012 Local Council Elections in the ward, the sitting Councillor Colin Morgan. Morgan continued as the Councillor of Briton Ferry East with no contest. After the 2012 election Councillor Morgan left the Labour party and become an independent Councillor. In 2015 he decided to rejoin the Labour party.
2017 Local Council Elections
In the 2017 local council elections, the results were:
Chris JamesLabour405Labour hold
Colin MorganIndependent318