Brice Catherin

Brice Catherin is a French composer and cellist.

Studies and first professional steps

Brice Catherin studied the cello at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne with professor Marc Jaermann where he successfully completed his diploma in 2004. At the same time, he was studying composition at the Haute École de Musique of Geneva with professors Michael Jarrell, Luis Naón and Éric Daubresse. He received his diploma in 2005. The following year he studied at the Basel Musikhochschule with professor Roland Moser.


During this period, Brice Catherin gave a few hundred concerts and performances as a cellist, a composer, an improviser, and a performance artist in Europe, Japan, Russia, Iceland and Canada as an independent artist. He composed about 80 works for soloists to big ensembles, from 10 minutes to 10 hours. He premièred a few works he commissioned for solo cello or chamber ensembles to composers such as Dror Feiler, Christian Rosset, Evis Sammoutis, Patricia Bosshard, Baudoin de Jaer, Abby Swidler, Jacques Demierre, Arash Yazdani and Ludovic Thirvaudey.
He worked with artists from various backgrounds: dancers, writers, actors, and after works of movie directors and illustrators
As a composer, Brice Catherin wrote more than 80 instrumental works with or without electronic.
As an improviser, he is known for engineering the concept of "improvisation laboratories", which refers to performances of constrained improvisations. The constraints can be as different as "playing an instrument you don't know", "playing a building", "improvise music for a cartoon", "improvisation of characters", or "mixing baroque music and free improvisation".

Own Compositions for Cello with [Curved Bow]