Bratsk Reservoir

Bratsk Reservoir is a reservoir on the Angara River, located in Irkutsk Oblast, Russia. It is named after the city of Bratsk, the largest city adjacent to the reservoir. It has a surface area of and a maximum volume of 169.27 × 1012 litres .
The concrete dam of the Bratsk hydroelectric plant was completed in 1967. It is high and long. The Baikal Amur Mainline railroad runs along the top of the dam. At the time of its inauguration, the reservoir was the largest artificial lake in the world. Its electrical power capacity is 4,500 MW.

In literature

The epic construction of the Bratsk Dam is the subject of a large eponymous poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko.
Much later, the impact of the reservoir construction on the life of the villagers upstream, many of whom had to be relocated from the flooded areas, or lost some the best lands of their collective farms, became the motive of Valentin Rasputin's novel Farewell to Matyora.