Brasília National Park

The Brasília National Park is a national park located in the northwest of the Federal District and in the center of the state of Goiás, in the Brazil. The park covers an area of, with territory distributed by the administrative regions of Brazlândia, Brasília and Sobradinho, in the Federal District and by the municipality of Padre Bernardo, in Goiás. It is administered by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation. It is the largest park in an urbanized area in the world.


The creation of the park, on November 29, 1961, was under Federal Decree of Brazil covering an area of extending over an elevation range of. It is under IUCN Category II. It is directly related to the development of Brasilia. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the park was protected to provide forested area around the national capital of Brazil. In 1994, seventy percent of the park burned.


The park is in the northwest of the Federal District in the center-west region of Brazil. Its boundaries have been fixed and also fenced. The park is divided into Intangible, Primitive, Extensive, Intensive, Special and Recuperation zones from the development perspective.
The terrain is an undulating plateau with geological formations of quartzites and limestones. It has many caves and several springs. Apart from the springs, the source of water supply to the park is also through a reservoir. The most prominent features of the park are the pools formed from water wells. Several creeks flow through the park, including the Bananal, Torto, and Santa Maria Creeks. Because of the large number of springs, its nickname is Agua Mineral ; the water is reported to have healing properties. There are many trekking trails through the park.


The climate of the region, according to the Köppen classification, is "tropical savanna". The rainy season begins in October and ends in April, representing 84% of the annual total. The wettest quarter is from November to January, and December is the month with the highest rainfall of the year. The dry season is from May to September, and in the driest quarter is June, July, and August, when precipitation represents only 2% of the annual total. In terms of total annual average rainfall, Federal District varies between. The park itself has an average annual rainfall incidence of. Average annual temperature reported is. Eastern winds are dominant in the park.


or upland savanna trees, the dominant vegetation in the central regions of Brazil, form the core area of this park. However, the vegetation around the springs and streams are of Campo Cerrado type, which consists of gallery forests. These areas fall under the biosphere reserve declared by UNESCO. The plant species reported from the park are buriti palm and many species of the Velloziaceae (a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants. The park has established a forest tree nursery and also runs a centre for environmental education.


The faunal species reported from the park are: maned wolf, pampas deer, giant anteater, bush dog, giant otter, giant armadillo, black howler monkey, forest rabbit, Juscelinomys candangus, cavy, Calhartes burrovianus urubutinga, Mussurana and tegu '. Also reported are black-tufted marmoset, capybara, jaguar, wild pig and puma.
Birds include greater rhea, red-legged seriema
', osprey , king vulture, solitary eagle, seed finches, Oryzoborus crassirostris, O. angloensis, spotted tinamou, lesser yellow-headed vulture, curl-crested jay , fer-de-lance, burrowing owl, and toco toucan.