
Brainshark is a privately held technology company based in Waltham, Massachusetts that provides a sales enablement platform and product suite.


Brainshark provides Web-based applications and products, delivered via software as a service, to help companies improve sales effectiveness and productivity. The company offers a sales enablement platform and product suite.
The company’s core product is Brainshark, a sales enablement platform which helps organizations create dynamic content used for sales training, onboarding and coaching.
Brainshark launched its coaching solution in February, 2016
To create a Brainshark, you upload a PowerPoint deck or other business content to the hosted site and then use the telephone or computer microphone to record voice narration. You can add additional features such as polls, quizzes, attachments, etc. The final presentation can be delivered via a Web link or can be embedded in a Web page, and you can track various statistics, including who viewed your presentation and time spent viewing it, and receive reports and alerts of viewing activity.
In October 2011, Brainshark released SlideShark, a mobile app for the Apple iPad and Apple iPhone that lets users properly display PowerPoint presentations on iOS devices, with animations, graphics, fonts, videos and hyperlinks intact. You can also use SlideShark to share PowerPoint content online and track viewing behavior. SlideShark's Broadcasting capabilities let mobile presenters invite in-person and remote meeting attendees to view their presentations live over the Web. The "Presenter Mode" feature lets users view slide notes and thumbnails on the iPad while presenting – while the audience sees only the slide content on a separate screen. The basic single-user version of SlideShark is free, with paid upgrades available, including SlideShark Team Edition, a version for businesses with enhanced content management and reporting features.
Brainshark is used in a wide range of industries, including insurance, healthcare, financial services, technology, non-profit, and others for training, sales and marketing, channel, and corporate communications.