Boxing at the 1992 Summer Olympics – Light heavyweight

The men's light heavyweight event was part of the boxing programme at the 1992 Summer Olympics. The weight class allowed boxers of up to 81 kilograms to compete. The competition was held from 29 July to 9 August 1992. 26 boxers from 26 nations competed.



The following boxers took part in the event:
1Torsten May
2Rostyslav Zaulychnyi
3TWojciech Bartnik
3TZoltán Béres
5TStephen Wilson
5TRoland Raforme
5TMontell Griffin
5TÁngel Espinosa
9TMika Masoe
9TJacklord Jacobs
9TAsghar Muhammad
9TPatrice Aouissi
9TGo Yo-da
9TDale Brown
9TMohamed Ben Guesmia
9TRoberto Castelli
17TPaulo Mwaselle
17TRick Timperi
17TManuel Verde
17TFrance Mabiletsa
17TBai Chongguang
17TDamdingiin Zul
17TKim Gil-nam
17TRaimundo Yant
17TAlex González
17TMehmet Gürgen

First round