Box score

A box score is a structured summary of the results from a sport competition. The box score lists the game score as well as individual and team achievements in the game.
Among the sports in which box scores are common are baseball, basketball, football, volleyball and hockey.


The box score data is derived from a statistics sheet, and is then summarized into a contingency table, also known as a cross tabulation or cross tab or as a basic set of averages. This is used to help determine the relationship between elements, and in sports, certain percentages often help define the success of a team. This information is then correlated to a player, or a team where it is read to obtain a general idea of how the game was played or how the player performed during the game, a season, or their career.

Early implementation

Prominent baseball journalist Henry Chadwick is credited with creating the modern baseball box score in 1859. In addition to the creation of the Chadwick boxscore, Chadwick also coined the baseball term "strike-out." The first game with the box score implemented was in 1859, featuring the Brooklyn Excelsiors versus the Brooklyn Stars, with the Brooklyn Stars being the victor.



