Bounty Hunters (American TV series)

Bounty Hunters is an American adult animated situation comedy series. The series originally aired on CMT from July 13 to September 28, 2013. The series shows how Jeff, Larry, and Bill are bounty hunters when they being got "bounty" or "assignment" from Lisa.


The series revolves Jeff, Bill and Larry as they track down fugitives for their two-bit bounty hunting business. They're old pals who work together at Barton Bounty Hunters in the small Southern town of Skeeter Creek. They get their bounties from Lisa, a loudmouth bail bondsman whose office is next door. Jeff is the owner of the company and leader of the team. Bill is the resident criminal profiler, and Larry is the team muscle. Together, they track down redneck fugitives, making Skeeter Creek a little bit safer.
