Borstal Institution and Juvenile Jail Bahawalpur

Borstal Institution & Juvenile Jail Bahawalpur is the Old Central Jail situated near Fareed Gate in Bahawalpur, Pakistan.


The jail was built in 1882 as a Central Jail. It was constructed with a view to confine long-term and life prisoners of Bahawalpur Division. After construction of New Central Jail Bahawalpur, it was declared as Borstal Institution & Juvenile Jail for confinement of juveniles.

Prison industries

The following prison industries had been functioning in the jail in the past. to train the juvenile convicts in various trades and handicrafts so that they could earn their living after release form Jail, utilise prison labour in profitable works for benefit of state exchequer, and keep the juveniles busy in useful tasks.
After promulgation of Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000, the prison labour in this juvenile jail has been terminated.