Bombardier Invitation

The Bombardier Invitation, is a one-design class of small sailing dinghy, similar to the Laser. It was manufactured by Bombardier in the 1970s.


The Invitation was briefly mentioned in Popular Science and Popular Mechanics in 1974 and 1975. Bombardier filed for a Canadian trademark in December 1973, and it was registered in November 1974. It was later inactivated in January 1990.


The hull of the Invitation is long, with a hull weight of. It is cat rigged with only a loose-footed sleeved batten-less mainsail that slips over the two-piece mast. The batten-less design allows the mainsail to wrapped around the mast when not in use. It has a beam of.
In 1974 the Invitation was developed into the Bombardier 3.8, a smaller and lighter sailboat.