Bokhtar District

Bokhtar District is a district in Khatlon Province, Tajikistan, surrounding the provincial capital Qurghonteppa. Its administrative capital is the village of Ismoil Somoni. The population in Bokhtar district is 209,100.

Administrative divisions

The district is divided administratively into jamoats. They are as follows.


On 7 January 1944 the district was created under the named Oktyabr District was created in the Qurghonteppa Oblast. On 6 January 1965 the District was renamed to Kommunisti District. Then in 1990 the district was renamed to Bokhtar District. And finally in 2018 - to Kushoniyon District.


Bokhtar area forms part of Amu Darya basin. This basin has been estimated to contain vast reserves of oil, natural gas and condensate.