Boat Builders (film)

Boat Builders is an animated short film produced by Walt Disney, distributed by RKO Radio Pictures and released on February 25, 1938. The film was directed by Ben Sharpsteen and animated by Frenchy de Trémaudan, Louie Schmittt, Chuck Couch, Eddie Strickland, Clyde Geronimi, Paul Satterfield, Archie Robin, Don Patterson. It was the 99th short in the Mickey Mouse film series to be released, and the first for that year.


In this short, Mickey Mouse and his friends Donald Duck and Goofy attempt to build a boat, which is made from fold-out parts, though they encounter problems as they go. Their maiden voyage turns out to be their last, as the boat collapses as she sets sail, thanks to Minnie Mouse hitting the champagne bottle to christen the boat just a little too hard.

Voice cast