Blood and Water (Canadian TV series)

Blood and Water is a Canadian television crime drama series, which premiered on OMNI Television in November 2015. The first television drama series produced for a Chinese Canadian audience, the show mixes dialogue in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
Set in Vancouver, British Columbia, the show centres on police detective Josephine Bradley. After Charlie Xie, the son of billionaire real estate developer Li-Rong Xie, is found murdered, Josephine is brought into investigate despite having just been diagnosed with cancer.
The cast also includes Fiona Fu as Weiran Xie, the matriarch who holds the Xie family together; Loretta Yu as Charlie's widow Teresa; Elfina Luk as his sister Anna, who is plotting her eventual takeover of the family business empire; Simu Liu as his brother Paul, a guardian of many of the family's shady secrets; and Peter Outerbridge as Detective Al Gorski, a police colleague of Josephine's.
Eight episodes were produced for the show's first season. A second season, also consisting of eight episodes, first aired on November 13, 2016. The series has been renewed for a third season.