Bleeding heart tetra

The bleeding heart tetra, Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, is a freshwater tropical fish native to the Upper Amazon River basin. It grows to the size of 64mm and lives for around five years.


The female is more full bodied and the male has a larger dorsal fin. The male is distinguished by longer extended dorsal and anal fins. The dorsal fin is elongated into a sickle shape that arches to the length of the tail base. The female has a shorter rounded fin.

Breeding in captivity

This egg-laying fish has been bred successfully, with difficulty, in captivity.


The dorsal fin of the males can become long and flowing. Both sexes have the eye-catching blood-red spot in the pectoral area. Both also have the black and white patch on the dorsal fin.

Aquarium care

A group of 6 fishes will feel comfortable in a 15-gallon tank, but a bigger tank and more fishes are recommended.