Black Rose Rollers

Black Rose Rollers is a women's flat track roller derby league based in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Founded in 2010, Black Rose is a member of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association.

History and organization

The league was founded in May 2010 by a group of women, including Kim Underwood. They lacked skating experience, but were inspired by the movie Whip It. It played its first public bout in June 2011, against Harrisburg Area Roller Derby's Fallout Femmes, and was accepted into the Women's Flat Track Derby Association Apprentice Program in January 2012. They graduated to full membership of the WFTDA in December 2012.
As of 2017, the league consists of two teams, the All-Stars and the Rotten Cherries, who compete against teams from other leagues. The league has attracted attention for its charitable fundraising.
