Black Procession

, president of Warsaw and leader of the Black Procession
Black procession was a demonstration held by burghers of Polish royal cities in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's capital of Warsaw on 2 December 1789, during the Great Sejm. It vastly contributed to the passage of a belated major urban reform.
The procession that took place Warsaw on 2 December 1789 was inspired by Hugo Kołłątaj, and led by Jan Dekert. 294
representatives of 141 towns under royal charter, clad in black, passed peacefully through the streets of Warsaw, from the town hall, reaching the Royal Castle and getting an audience with the king Stanisław August Poniatowski. The burghers demanded similar privileges to those held by the nobles. Their demands included the right to buy and own land estates, the right to be represented in the Polish parliament and reforms to the urban law. The procession influenced the Great Sejm to create a Commission for the Cities.
Only members of the royal towns took part in the procession; the representatives of the private towns did not.
Eventually, the burghers' cause succeeded and the belated urban reform in the Commonwealth took place with the passage of the Free Royal Cities Act on 18 April 1791, which became a notable amendment to the Constitution of May 3. The Act granted, to the Commonwealth's townspeople, personal security, the right to acquire landed property, and eligibility for military officers' commissions, public offices, and gave the right for ennoblement.