Bishopric of the Forces in Great Britain

The Bishopric of the Forces is the Latin Church Catholic military ordinariate which provides chaplains to the British Armed Forces based in Great Britain and their overseas postings.
It is exempt, i.e. directly subject to the Holy See and its Roman Congregation for Bishops. The chaplains are drawn from the dioceses of England, Wales and Scotland, and from some religious institutes. Chaplains have spiritual and pastoral care of military personnel and their families.
Until 1986, they were called "military vicariates" and had a status similar to that of apostolic vicariates which are headed by a bishop who receives his authority by delegation from the Pope. The apostolic constitution Spirituali Militum Curae of 21 April 1986 raised their status, declaring that the bishop who heads one of them is an "ordinary", holding authority by virtue of his office, and not by delegation from another person in authority.
There is sometimes confusion between the holder of this Catholic post and the Anglican "Bishop to the Forces": for this reason the former is normally referred to as "the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Forces".

Offices and statistics

The current Bishop of the Forces is the Rt Rev Paul Mason who was appointed by Pope Francis on 9 July 2018. The Chancellor of the Bishopric of the Forces is Father Stephen Sharkey.
The diocesan office and the episcopal see, the Cathedral of St Michael and St George, are located on Queens Avenue, Aldershot, Hampshire, England.
As per 2014 it has 25 priests, 2 deacons and 2 lay religious brothers.


From 1917, individual titular bishops were appointed, twice, as Roman Catholic Bishops of the Forces.
On 21 November 1953, a permanent Military Vicariate of Great Britain was established, still always held by titular bishops.
On 21 July 1986, it was promoted as Military Ordinariate of Bishopric of the Forces in Great Britain, with its own Ordinary.

List of office holders