Biruwa Guthi

Biruwa Guthi is a village development committee in Parsa District in the Narayani Zone of southern Nepal. At the time of the 2011 Nepal census it had a population of 13,248 people living in 2,350 individual households. There were 6,608 males and 6,640 females at the time of census.
name of villages of Biruwa Guthi
  1. Ward No 2
  2. Sabaiya Tadi
  3. Prasuram Pur
  4. Sabaiya
  5. Pragati Nagar
Ward No 3
  1. Biruwa
Ward No 1
  1. Ramtol
  2. jhabrah
  3. Jhulitar
Ward No 5
  1. Badnihar
Ward No 7
  1. Barwa Chhataili
Ward No 8
  1. Hardas Pur
Ward No 4
  1. Baknerwa
  2. Sundar Toll
Ward No6
  1. Pakadia
Ward no 5
  1. Barwa tadi