
BioNumerics is a suite of bioinformatics software applications developed by the company Applied Maths NV.


BioNumerics was released in 1996 and is still today a platform for the management, storage and analysis of all types of biological data. BioNumerics is used by several networks around the globe to share and identify strain information. Pulsenet, a network run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, uses BioNumerics to distinguish pulsed field gel electrophoresis patterns from different strains of organisms Calicinet, an outbreak surveillance network for noroviruses, uses BioNumerics to submit norovirus sequences and basic epidemiologic information to a central database


BioNumerics consists of 10 software modules, used for the analysis of all major applications in bioinformatics: 1D electrophoresis gels, chromatographic and spectrometric profiles, phenotype characters, microarrays, sequences, etc.
. BioNumerics is able to combine information from various genomic and phenotypic sources into one global database and conduct conclusive analyses