Bill Bourne

Bill Bourne is a Canadian musician and songwriter. A multiple Canadian Juno Award nominee and winner, Bourne uses traditional music elements from around the world.

Early life and education

Born in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada and raised in a musical family in rural Alberta, Bourne's musical education began at two years of age when he would sleep behind the piano at country dances where his parents' band would perform.


Bourne formed a duo with Alan MacLeod; the pair won a Juno Award. Bourne was also a member of the traditional Scottish band, the Tannahill Weavers.
Beginning in 2000, Bourne was a member of the string collective Tri-Continental along with Madagascar Slim and Lester Quitzau, and recorded with them on four albums.
In 2002 Bourne released the album Voodoo King.
Bourne has also collaborated with Shannon Johnson, Lester Quitzau, Madagascar Slim, Aysha Wills, Eivør Pálsdóttir, Wyckham Porteous, and Jasmine Ohlhauser.
In 2011 Bourne fronted the Free Radio Dance Band, with his son Pat Bourne for the recording of an album, Bluesland. In 2012 he collaborated with Tippy Agogo and other well-known musicians to release Amoeba Collective.
In 2013, Bourne led the historic Edmonton Christmas album titled An Edmonton Christmas: Live Off the Floor, along with other Edmontonian artists including Joe Nolan, Jenie Thai, Jeremy "Jey" Witten, and Justine Vandergrift.


With The Tannahill Weavers
With Bourne & MacLeod
With Shannon Johnson
With Schuld & Stamer
With Tri-Continental
Other Album Appearances