Bilambil, New South Wales

Bilambil is a town located in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia, in the Tweed Shire.


As of the, the population of Bilambil was 559 people, 50.3% female and 49.7% male, with a median age of 43, 6 years above the Australian median.
78.5% of people living in Bilambil were born in Australia. The other top responses for country of birth were England, New Zealand, United States of America, Scotland, Netherlands, and other countries.
91.4% of people spoke only English at home, with Maltese, Dutch, Italian, Greek, and other languages also being reported.

Sport and recreation

A number of well-known sporting teams represent the local area, including the Bilambil Jets, the rugby league club who play home games at Bilambil Sports Complex which is located in Scenic Drive Bilambil NSW.